Restoration Insurance Tips: What is Pollution Insurance?
For any restoration contractor pollution insurance is a big deal. Most general liability insurance policies exclude any type of...

Restoration Insurance Coverage Tips: What Does General Liability Insurance for Restoration Contracto
Restoration Insurance Coverage Tips: What Does General Liability Insurance for Restoration Contractors Cover Anyway? If you are planning...

Employees' use of personal vehicles.
Employees' Use of Personal Vehicles for Business Purposes Another problem that can arise is the employees use of their own vehicles for...

Claim Scenario: Employment Practices Liability Insurance
Our restoration contractor clients will often ask us why they should consider employment practices liability insurance. We just had a...

Protecting Yourself from Employee Litigation Pt. 2
This is the second part to our series on employee-related lawsuits for restoration contractors. Tactic 7: Don't Delay Proactive HR...