Four Steps to Keeping Your Drivers Distraction Free
Did you know that the average work-related motor vehicle injury costs approximately $69,000 according to the National Safety Council? Auto accidents, on average, are twice as expensive as other work-related injuries.
Something as simple as responding to a text message actually takes a driver's eyes off of the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. If you are traveling 55 mph, then you will travel the equivalent length of a football field without looking at the road.
One of the primary reasons employees drive distracted is the pressure they often feel to respond to phone calls and emails while driving, especially when the call comes from a supervisor or manager.
So in an effort to better protect your employees against distracted driving, we recommend your company enact the following four tips:
1. Procedures– Develop a formal, written policy stating your organization’s position on mobile device use and other distractions while driving. This policy should apply to everyone in your organization who drives a vehicle, regardless of their position.
2. Communicate – Have every employee who drives acknowledge in writing that they have read, understand and will follow the company driving policy. Then, send regular messaging to employees via emails, newsletters and bulletin board postings to reinforce the policy.
3. Follow – Managers and office staff should lead by example. Let employees know that while they are on the road, no phone call or email is more important than their safety. In fact, managers and other staff should defer conversations with employees until they are safely parked.
4. Promote – Managers should define the safe driving practices and expected behaviors of those that drive for any business purpose. They should also take the appropriate steps to understand who is following these policies, and actively promote the desired behavior.
If you would like to find out how ARI Brokers can help your restoration contracting company institute a driver safety program, please feel free to contact our office.